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Articulate Presets: Audio Imperia Chorus

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This preset pack contains Articulate presets for use with Chorus by Audio Imperia, covering all patches that support keyswitches.


  • 24 Articulate presets
  • Sorted into folders that mirror the Chorus patch structure
  • Covers all patches in Chorus' 'Instruments/01 Multi Patches' folders, including both Core Articulations and Effects
  • Covers the 3 patches in Chorus' 'Multis' folder

Library-specific notes:

Please note that the syllable patches in Chorus are highly configurable, so presets for those patches are set up to reflect the order and amount of syllables found in the default patches. If you're using custom settings, which is quite likely with this library, and want to have those reflected in your Articulate instances, you can easily use the presets as a starting point and create your own in a breeze.

In addition, the syllable patches have an auto-advance feature when playing notes. Due to the nature of this feature Articulate can not update itself based on the syllables Chorus switches on its own. Any automation breakpoint will only be valid for the following note, after which the Chorus engine will continue to auto-advance unless locked. Automation can still be used to great effect though, just like playing keyswitch notes.


  • This preset pack requires the Articulate Max for Live device.
  • Presets should be copied into the 'Presets' subfolder within your Articulate folder. This will ensure them to load flawlessly without asking for Articulate's location.

Bundle Info:

This preset pack is also available in the All Presets Bundle, which contains all current and future Articulate presets at a heavy discount.

You will get the following files:
  • ZIP (60KB)
  • PDF (36KB)

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